The university has collective bargaining agreements with employee groups representing some of its employees. These agreements cover the broad spectrum of the university's employer-employee relationships and since any personnel action must be in conformance with contractually-agreed conditions of employment, contact Labor Relations for assistance in interpreting contract provisions relative to non-academic represented personnel or the Office of the Provost, Faculty Relations for academic represented personnel.
Nonacademic collective bargaining agreements for UAW Staff Association, UAW Professional and Administrative Union (P&A), AFSCME, Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council, Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (UNITEHERE!)-WSU Janitors, Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (UNITEHERE!)-Wayne Housing Department (Housekeepers & Housing Maintenance), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Police Officers Labor Council (POLC), may be accessed online at and agreements for academic represented personnel (AAUP, GEOC and UPTF) at
This policy applies to all bargaining unit employees and supervisors of bargaining unit employees.