Hey everyone! This is Kim from seven thirty three, I’m back sharing another free printable with all of you today!
I am trying to raise my kids to be well-rounded adults and part of that is inspiring them to think outside of their own personal space and to help those around them. People are so occupied with their own drama, their own busy lives, that they forget to look around and to take the time to help out a person in need. To help encourage kindness in my children, we take time every now and again to try to make the day a little brighter for strangers. One of our favorite activities was painting rocks and leaving them for others. My kids had such a great time painting the rocks, but an even better time interacting with the people that were on the receiving end!
It’s been a while since we’ve had a planned day of encouraging others, so I thought I would whip up some Random Acts of Kindness cards and we could head out to do some good.
The cards I made can be standalone, taped to an envelope, attached to a bag, whatever you can think up! For some we added two quarters to the back of the card with washi tape and taped the card to one of those toy vending machines outside the grocery store. We also put some drink pouches in a Mason Jar Drinking Glass and placed it in random mailboxes. Lastly we filled a couple of baggies with Hershey Kisses, attached the card and left them in random places, like in the bottom of a vending machine!
There are so many small things you can do to help make someone smile. Do you make handmade items? How about making a few extra and leaving them around town with a RAOK tag attached? Or keep an eye out for someone’s parking meter that is running low or has expired and insert a coin. Stop by the laundry mat and leave some change with the card and a note on the back saying “Laundry is on us today.” Or make a bouquet of wild flowers, put them in a vase and placed the card in the flowers and leave them in a popular local park. All of these examples are inexpensive and take very little energy, but can really help restore people’s faith in other humans!
This is not a strictly altruistic act. We get to feel really good about ourselves for helping to brighten someone else’s day, but it is a great reminder that there are lots of people in the world. Some are struggling, some are feeling worthless or unloved, and a small act of kindness can be just what they need!
Remember, these are for personal use only and should not be altered.
Thanks for checking out my RAOK project everyone! I would love for you to stop by seven thirty three and see some of my most recent projects, including this easy-to-set-up Homework Station!