Frequently asked questions regarding Dual Nationality Sl No. Question Answer
1. Does a Bangladesh national automatically losses his/her Bangladesh citizenship if he/she becomes naturalized citizen of a foreign country?
Yes, He/She will loss his/her citizenship of Bangladesh
2. Is it obligatory for a foreign citizen of Bangladesh origin to apply for and receive DNC in order to retain his/her Bangladesh citizenship?
Yes, it is obligatory to receive DNC in order to retain Bangladesh Citizenship.
3. Can a foreign citizen of Bangladesh origin retain and continue to renew the Bangladesh passport without applying for and receiving DNC?
No, a foreign citizen of Bangladesh origin can not use/renew Bangladesh passport without receiving DNC
4. Does a DNC holder enjoy the same rights and privileges as entitled to a Bangladeshi citizenship, including voting rights/participation in local/national election as a candidate?
No. According to Article 66(2) (C) of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh that “A person shall be disqualified for election as, or for being, a member of parliament who acquires the citizenship of, or affirms or acknowledges allegiance to, a foreign state.” Moreover, according to section 10(2) (C) of the Paurashava Ordinance, 1977(Ordinance no-XXVI of 1977) that “A person shall be disqualified for election as, or for being, a Chairman or (a Commissioner) if he or she has ceased to be a citizen of Bangladesh or has acquired the citizenship of, or affirmed or acknowledged allegiance to, a foreign state
5. Does the foreign born child of a naturalized foreign citizen of Bangladesh origin need to apply for DNC in order to get Bangladeshi citizenship or, he/she would be automatically considered to be Bangladeshi citizens by virtue of his/her father/grandfather being a Bangladeshi citizen?
Yes, he/she would not be considered as a Bangladeshi citizen by virtue of his/her father/grand father being a Bangladeshi citizen. He/she needs to apply for DNC.