In a computing context, cybersecurity is undergoing massive shifts in technology and its operations in recent days, and data science is driving the change. Extracting security incident patterns or insights from cybersecurity data and building corresponding data-driven model, is the key to make a security system automated and intelligent. To understand and analyze the actual phenomena with data, various scientific methods, machine learning techniques, processes, and systems are used, which is commonly known as data science. In this paper, we focus and briefly discuss on cybersecurity data science, where the data is being gathered from relevant cybersecurity sources, and the analytics complement the latest data-driven patterns for providing more effective security solutions. The concept of cybersecurity data science allows making the computing process more actionable and intelligent as compared to traditional ones in the domain of cybersecurity. We then discuss and summarize a number of associated research issues and future directions. Furthermore, we provide a machine learning based multi-layered framework for the purpose of cybersecurity modeling. Overall, our goal is not only to discuss cybersecurity data science and relevant methods but also to focus the applicability towards data-driven intelligent decision making for protecting the systems from cyber-attacks.
Due to the increasing dependency on digitalization and Internet-of-Things (IoT) [1], various security incidents such as unauthorized access [2], malware attack [3], zero-day attack [4], data breach [5], denial of service (DoS) [2], social engineering or phishing [6] etc. have grown at an exponential rate in recent years. For instance, in 2010, there were less than 50 million unique malware executables known to the security community. By 2012, they were double around 100 million, and in 2019, there are more than 900 million malicious executables known to the security community, and this number is likely to grow, according to the statistics of AV-TEST institute in Germany [7]. Cybercrime and attacks can cause devastating financial losses and affect organizations and individuals as well. It’s estimated that, a data breach costs 8.19 million USD for the United States and 3.9 million USD on an average [8], and the annual cost to the global economy from cybercrime is 400 billion USD [9]. According to Juniper Research [10], the number of records breached each year to nearly triple over the next 5 years. Thus, it’s essential that organizations need to adopt and implement a strong cybersecurity approach to mitigate the loss. According to [11], the national security of a country depends on the business, government, and individual citizens having access to applications and tools which are highly secure, and the capability on detecting and eliminating such cyber-threats in a timely way. Therefore, to effectively identify various cyber incidents either previously seen or unseen, and intelligently protect the relevant systems from such cyber-attacks, is a key issue to be solved urgently.
Cybersecurity is a set of technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, programs and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access [12]. In recent days, cybersecurity is undergoing massive shifts in technology and its operations in the context of computing, and data science (DS) is driving the change, where machine learning (ML), a core part of “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) can play a vital role to discover the insights from data. Machine learning can significantly change the cybersecurity landscape and data science is leading a new scientific paradigm [13, 14]. The popularity of these related technologies is increasing day-by-day, which is shown in Fig. 1, based on the data of the last five years collected from Google Trends [15]. The figure represents timestamp information in terms of a particular date in the x-axis and corresponding popularity in the range of 0 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) in the y-axis. As shown in Fig. 1, the popularity indication values of these areas are less than 30 in 2014, while they exceed 70 in 2019, i.e., more than double in terms of increased popularity. In this paper, we focus on cybersecurity data science (CDS), which is broadly related to these areas in terms of security data processing techniques and intelligent decision making in real-world applications. Overall, CDS is security data-focused, applies machine learning methods to quantify cyber risks, and ultimately seeks to optimize cybersecurity operations. Thus, the purpose of this paper is for those academia and industry people who want to study and develop a data-driven smart cybersecurity model based on machine learning techniques. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on a thorough description of various types of machine learning methods, and their relations and usage in the context of cybersecurity. This paper does not describe all of the different techniques used in cybersecurity in detail; instead, it gives an overview of cybersecurity data science modeling based on artificial intelligence, particularly from machine learning perspective.
The ultimate goal of cybersecurity data science is data-driven intelligent decision making from security data for smart cybersecurity solutions. CDS represents a partial paradigm shift from traditional well-known security solutions such as firewalls, user authentication and access control, cryptography systems etc. that might not be effective according to today’s need in cyber industry [16,17,18,19]. The problems are these are typically handled statically by a few experienced security analysts, where data management is done in an ad-hoc manner [20, 21]. However, as an increasing number of cybersecurity incidents in different formats mentioned above continuously appear over time, such conventional solutions have encountered limitations in mitigating such cyber risks. As a result, numerous advanced attacks are created and spread very quickly throughout the Internet. Although several researchers use various data analysis and learning techniques to build cybersecurity models that are summarized in “Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity” section, a comprehensive security model based on the effective discovery of security insights and latest security patterns could be more useful. To address this issue, we need to develop more flexible and efficient security mechanisms that can respond to threats and to update security policies to mitigate them intelligently in a timely manner. To achieve this goal, it is inherently required to analyze a massive amount of relevant cybersecurity data generated from various sources such as network and system sources, and to discover insights or proper security policies with minimal human intervention in an automated manner.
Analyzing cybersecurity data and building the right tools and processes to successfully protect against cybersecurity incidents goes beyond a simple set of functional requirements and knowledge about risks, threats or vulnerabilities. For effectively extracting the insights or the patterns of security incidents, several machine learning techniques, such as feature engineering, data clustering, classification, and association analysis, or neural network-based deep learning techniques can be used, which are briefly discussed in “Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity” section. These learning techniques are capable to find the anomalies or malicious behavior and data-driven patterns of associated security incidents to make an intelligent decision. Thus, based on the concept of data-driven decision making, we aim to focus on cybersecurity data science, where the data is being gathered from relevant cybersecurity sources such as network activity, database activity, application activity, or user activity, and the analytics complement the latest data-driven patterns for providing corresponding security solutions.
The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. “ Background” section summarizes background of our study and gives an overview of the related technologies of cybersecurity data science. “ Cybersecurity data science” section defines and discusses briefly about cybersecurity data science including various categories of cyber incidents data. In “ Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity” section, we briefly discuss various categories of machine learning techniques including their relations with cybersecurity tasks and summarize a number of machine learning based cybersecurity models in the field. “Research issues and future directions” section briefly discusses and highlights various research issues and future directions in the area of cybersecurity data science. In “ A multi-layered framework for smart cybersecurity services” section, we suggest a machine learning-based framework to build cybersecurity data science model and discuss various layers with their roles. In “ Discussion” section, we highlight several key points regarding our studies. Finally, “Conclusion” section concludes this paper.
In this section, we give an overview of the related technologies of cybersecurity data science including various types of cybersecurity incidents and defense strategies.
Over the last half-century, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry has evolved greatly, which is ubiquitous and closely integrated with our modern society. Thus, protecting ICT systems and applications from cyber-attacks has been greatly concerned by the security policymakers in recent days [22]. The act of protecting ICT systems from various cyber-threats or attacks has come to be known as cybersecurity [9]. Several aspects are associated with cybersecurity: measures to protect information and communication technology; the raw data and information it contains and their processing and transmitting; associated virtual and physical elements of the systems; the degree of protection resulting from the application of those measures; and eventually the associated field of professional endeavor [23]. Craigen et al. defined “cybersecurity as a set of tools, practices, and guidelines that can be used to protect computer networks, software programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access” [24]. According to Aftergood et al. [12], “cybersecurity is a set of technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, programs and data from attacks and unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction”. Overall, cybersecurity concerns with the understanding of diverse cyber-attacks and devising corresponding defense strategies that preserve several properties defined as below [25, 26].
The term cybersecurity applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into several common categories. These are - network security that mainly focuses on securing a computer network from cyber attackers or intruders; application security that takes into account keeping the software and the devices free of risks or cyber-threats; information security that mainly considers security and the privacy of relevant data; operational security that includes the processes of handling and protecting data assets. Typical cybersecurity systems are composed of network security systems and computer security systems containing a firewall, antivirus software, or an intrusion detection system [27].
The risks typically associated with any attack, which considers three security factors, such as threats, i.e., who is attacking, vulnerabilities, i.e., the weaknesses they are attacking, and impacts, i.e., what the attack does [9]. A security incident is an act that threatens the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information assets and systems. Several types of cybersecurity incidents that may result in security risks on an organization’s systems and networks or an individual [2]. These are:
Beside these attacks mentioned above, privilege escalation [29], password attack [30], insider threat [31], man-in-the-middle [32], advanced persistent threat [33], SQL injection attack [34], cryptojacking attack [35], web application attack [30] etc. are well-known as security incidents in the field of cybersecurity. A data breach is another type of security incident, known as a data leak, which is involved in the unauthorized access of data by an individual, application, or service [5]. Thus, all data breaches are considered as security incidents, however, all the security incidents are not data breaches. Most data breaches occur in the banking industry involving the credit card numbers, personal information, followed by the healthcare sector and the public sector [36].
Defense strategies are needed to protect data or information, information systems, and networks from cyber-attacks or intrusions. More granularly, they are responsible for preventing data breaches or security incidents and monitoring and reacting to intrusions, which can be defined as any kind of unauthorized activity that causes damage to an information system [37]. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is typically represented as “a device or software application that monitors a computer network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations” [38]. The traditional well-known security solutions such as anti-virus, firewalls, user authentication, access control, data encryption and cryptography systems, however might not be effective according to today’s need in the cyber industry
[16,17,18,19]. On the other hand, IDS resolves the issues by analyzing security data from several key points in a computer network or system [39, 40]. Moreover, intrusion detection systems can be used to detect both internal and external attacks.
Intrusion detection systems are different categories according to the usage scope. For instance, a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS), and network intrusion detection system (NIDS) are the most common types based on the scope of single computers to large networks. In a HIDS, the system monitors important files on an individual system, while it analyzes and monitors network connections for suspicious traffic in a NIDS. Similarly, based on methodologies, the signature-based IDS, and anomaly-based IDS are the most well-known variants [37].
Based on the analytic power of data science including machine learning techniques, it can be a viable component of security strategies. By using data science techniques, security analysts can manipulate and analyze security data more effectively and efficiently, uncovering valuable insights from data. Thus, data science methodologies including machine learning techniques can be well utilized in the context of cybersecurity, in terms of problem understanding, gathering security data from diverse sources, preparing data to feed into the model, data-driven model building and updating, for providing smart security services, which motivates to define cybersecurity data science and to work in this research area.
In this section, we briefly discuss cybersecurity data science including various categories of cyber incidents data with the usage in different application areas, and the key terms and areas related to our study.
Data science is largely driven by the availability of data [48]. Datasets typically represent a collection of information records that consist of several attributes or features and related facts, in which cybersecurity data science is based on. Thus, it’s important to understand the nature of cybersecurity data containing various types of cyberattacks and relevant features. The reason is that raw security data collected from relevant cyber sources can be used to analyze the various patterns of security incidents or malicious behavior, to build a data-driven security model to achieve our goal. Several datasets exist in the area of cybersecurity including intrusion analysis, malware analysis, anomaly, fraud, or spam analysis that are used for various purposes. In Table 2, we summarize several such datasets including their various features and attacks that are accessible on the Internet, and highlight their usage based on machine learning techniques in different cyber applications. Effectively analyzing and processing of these security features, building target machine learning-based security model according to the requirements, and eventually, data-driven decision making, could play a role to provide intelligent cybersecurity services that are discussed briefly in “A multi-layered framework for smart cybersecurity services” section.
Collecting valuable cybersecurity data is a crucial step, which forms a connecting link between security problems in cyberinfrastructure and corresponding data-driven solution steps in this framework, shown in Fig. 3. The reason is that cyber data can serve as the source for setting up ground truth of the security model that affect the model performance. The quality and quantity of cyber data decide the feasibility and effectiveness of solving the security problem according to our goal. Thus, the concern is how to collect valuable and unique needs data for building the data-driven security models.
The general step to collect and manage security data from diverse data sources is based on a particular security problem and project within the enterprise. Data sources can be classified into several broad categories such as network, host, and hybrid [171]. Within the network infrastructure, the security system can leverage different types of security data such as IDS logs, firewall logs, network traffic data, packet data, and honeypot data, etc. for providing the target security services. For instance, a given IP is considered malicious or not, could be detected by performing data analysis utilizing the data of IP addresses and their cyber activities. In the domain of cybersecurity, the network source mentioned above is considered as the primary security event source to analyze. In the host category, it collects data from an organization’s host machines, where the data sources can be operating system logs, database access logs, web server logs, email logs, application logs, etc. Collecting data from both the network and host machines are considered a hybrid category. Overall, in a data collection layer the network activity, database activity, application activity, and user activity can be the possible security event sources in the context of cybersecurity data science.
After collecting the raw security data from various sources according to the problem domain discussed above, this layer is responsible to prepare the raw data for building the model by applying various necessary processes. However, not all of the collected data contributes to the model building process in the domain of cybersecurity [172]. Therefore, the useless data should be removed from the rest of the data captured by the network sniffer. Moreover, data might be noisy, have missing or corrupted values, or have attributes of widely varying types and scales. High quality of data is necessary for achieving higher accuracy in a data-driven model, which is a process of learning a function that maps an input to an output based on example input-output pairs. Thus, it might require a procedure for data cleaning, handling missing or corrupted values. Moreover, security data features or attributes can be in different types, such as continuous, discrete, or symbolic [106]. Beyond a solid understanding of these types of data and attributes and their permissible operations, its need to preprocess the data and attributes to convert into the target type. Besides, the raw data can be in different types such as structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, etc. Thus, normalization, transformation, or collation can be useful to organize the data in a structured manner. In some cases, natural language processing techniques might be useful depending on data type and characteristics, e.g., textual contents. As both the quality and quantity of data decide the feasibility of solving the security problem, effectively pre-processing and management of data and their representation can play a significant role to build an effective security model for intelligent services.
This is the core step where insights and knowledge are extracted from data through the application of cybersecurity data science. In this section, we particularly focus on machine learning-based modeling as machine learning techniques can significantly change the cybersecurity landscape. The security features or attributes and their patterns in data are of high interest to be discovered and analyzed to extract security insights. To achieve the goal, a deeper understanding of data and machine learning-based analytical models utilizing a large number of cybersecurity data can be effective. Thus, various machine learning tasks can be involved in this model building layer according to the solution perspective. These are - security feature engineering that mainly responsible to transform raw security data into informative features that effectively represent the underlying security problem to the data-driven models. Thus, several data-processing tasks such as feature transformation and normalization, feature selection by taking into account a subset of available security features according to their correlations or importance in modeling, or feature generation and extraction by creating new brand principal components, may be involved in this module according to the security data characteristics. For instance, the chi-squared test, analysis of variance test, correlation coefficient analysis, feature importance, as well as discriminant and principal component analysis, or singular value decomposition, etc. can be used for analyzing the significance of the security features to perform the security feature engineering tasks [82].
Another significant module is security data clustering that uncovers hidden patterns and structures through huge volumes of security data, to identify where the new threats exist. It typically involves the grouping of security data with similar characteristics, which can be used to solve several cybersecurity problems such as detecting anomalies, policy violations, etc. Malicious behavior or anomaly detection module is typically responsible to identify a deviation to a known behavior, where clustering-based analysis and techniques can also be used to detect malicious behavior or anomaly detection. In the cybersecurity area, attack classification or prediction is treated as one of the most significant modules, which is responsible to build a prediction model to classify attacks or threats and to predict future for a particular security problem. To predict denial-of-service attack or a spam filter separating tasks from other messages, could be the relevant examples. Association learning or policy rule generation module can play a role to build an expert security system that comprises several IF-THEN rules that define attacks. Thus, in a problem of policy rule generation for rule-based access control system, association learning can be used as it discovers the associations or relationships among a set of available security features in a given security dataset. The popular machine learning algorithms in these categories are briefly discussed in “ Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity” section. The module model selection or customization is responsible to choose whether it uses the existing machine learning model or needed to customize. Analyzing data and building models based on traditional machine learning or deep learning methods, could achieve acceptable results in certain cases in the domain of cybersecurity. However, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency or other performance measurements considering time complexity, generalization capacity, and most importantly the impact of the algorithm on the detection rate of a system, machine learning models are needed to customize for a specific security problem. Moreover, customizing the related techniques and data could improve the performance of the resultant security model and make it better applicable in a cybersecurity domain. The modules discussed above can work separately and combinedly depending on the target security problems.
In our framework, this layer is concerned with finalizing the resultant security model by incorporating additional intelligence according to the needs. This could be possible by further processing in several modules. For instance, the post-processing and improvement module in this layer could play a role to simplify the extracted knowledge according to the particular requirements by incorporating domain-specific knowledge. As the attack classification or prediction models based on machine learning techniques strongly rely on the training data, it can hardly be generalized to other datasets, which could be significant for some applications. To address such kind of limitations, this module is responsible to utilize the domain knowledge in the form of taxonomy or ontology to improve attack correlation in cybersecurity applications.
Another significant module recency mining and updating security model is responsible to keep the security model up-to-date for better performance by extracting the latest data-driven security patterns. The extracted knowledge discussed in the earlier layer is based on a static initial dataset considering the overall patterns in the datasets. However, such knowledge might not be guaranteed higher performance in several cases, because of incremental security data with recent patterns. In many cases, such incremental data may contain different patterns which could conflict with existing knowledge. Thus, the concept of RecencyMiner [170] on incremental security data and extracting new patterns can be more effective than the existing old patterns. The reason is that recent security patterns and rules are more likely to be significant than older ones for predicting cyber risks or attacks. Rather than processing the whole security data again, recency-based dynamic updating according to the new patterns would be more efficient in terms of processing and outcome. This could make the resultant cybersecurity model intelligent and dynamic. Finally, response planning and decision making module is responsible to make decisions based on the extracted insights and take necessary actions to prevent the system from the cyber-attacks to provide automated and intelligent services. The services might be different depending on particular requirements for a given security problem.
Overall, this framework is a generic description which potentially can be used to discover useful insights from security data, to build smart cybersecurity systems, to address complex security challenges, such as intrusion detection, access control management, detecting anomalies and fraud, or denial of service attacks, etc. in the area of cybersecurity data science.
Although several research efforts have been directed towards cybersecurity solutions, discussed in “ Background” , “Cybersecurity data science”, and “Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity” sections in different directions, this paper presents a comprehensive view of cybersecurity data science. For this, we have conducted a literature review to understand cybersecurity data, various defense strategies including intrusion detection techniques, different types of machine learning techniques in cybersecurity tasks. Based on our discussion on existing work, several research issues related to security datasets, data quality problems, policy rule generation, learning methods, data protection, feature engineering, security alert generation, recency analysis etc. are identified that require further research attention in the domain of cybersecurity data science.
The scope of cybersecurity data science is broad. Several data-driven tasks such as intrusion detection and prevention, access control management, security policy generation, anomaly detection, spam filtering, fraud detection and prevention, various types of malware attack detection and defense strategies, etc. can be considered as the scope of cybersecurity data science. Such tasks based categorization could be helpful for security professionals including the researchers and practitioners who are interested in the domain-specific aspects of security systems [171]. The output of cybersecurity data science can be used in many application areas such as Internet of things (IoT) security [173], network security [174], cloud security [175], mobile and web applications [26], and other relevant cyber areas. Moreover, intelligent cybersecurity solutions are important for the banking industry, the healthcare sector, or the public sector, where data breaches typically occur [36, 176]. Besides, the data-driven security solutions could also be effective in AI-based blockchain technology, where AI works with huge volumes of security event data to extract the useful insights using machine learning techniques, and block-chain as a trusted platform to store such data [177].
Although in this paper, we discuss cybersecurity data science focusing on examining raw security data to data-driven decision making for intelligent security solutions, it could also be related to big data analytics in terms of data processing and decision making. Big data deals with data sets that are too large or complex having characteristics of high data volume, velocity, and variety. Big data analytics mainly has two parts consisting of data management involving data storage, and analytics [178]. The analytics typically describe the process of analyzing such datasets to discover patterns, unknown correlations, rules, and other useful insights [179]. Thus, several advanced data analysis techniques such as AI, data mining, machine learning could play an important role in processing big data by converting big problems to small problems [180]. To do this, the potential strategies like parallelization, divide-and-conquer, incremental learning, sampling, granular computing, feature or instance selection, can be used to make better decisions, reducing costs, or enabling more efficient processing. In such cases, the concept of cybersecurity data science, particularly machine learning-based modeling could be helpful for process automation and decision making for intelligent security solutions. Moreover, researchers could consider modified algorithms or models for handing big data on parallel computing platforms like Hadoop, Storm, etc. [181].
Based on the concept of cybersecurity data science discussed in the paper, building a data-driven security model for a particular security problem and relevant empirical evaluation to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the model, and to asses the usability in the real-world application domain could be a future work.
Motivated by the growing significance of cybersecurity and data science, and machine learning technologies, in this paper, we have discussed how cybersecurity data science applies to data-driven intelligent decision making in smart cybersecurity systems and services. We also have discussed how it can impact security data, both in terms of extracting insight of security incidents and the dataset itself. We aimed to work on cybersecurity data science by discussing the state of the art concerning security incidents data and corresponding security services. We also discussed how machine learning techniques can impact in the domain of cybersecurity, and examine the security challenges that remain. In terms of existing research, much focus has been provided on traditional security solutions, with less available work in machine learning technique based security systems. For each common technique, we have discussed relevant security research. The purpose of this article is to share an overview of the conceptualization, understanding, modeling, and thinking about cybersecurity data science.
We have further identified and discussed various key issues in security analysis to showcase the signpost of future research directions in the domain of cybersecurity data science. Based on the knowledge, we have also provided a generic multi-layered framework of cybersecurity data science model based on machine learning techniques, where the data is being gathered from diverse sources, and the analytics complement the latest data-driven patterns for providing intelligent security services. The framework consists of several main phases - security data collecting, data preparation, machine learning-based security modeling, and incremental learning and dynamism for smart cybersecurity systems and services. We specifically focused on extracting insights from security data, from setting a research design with particular attention to concepts for data-driven intelligent security solutions.
Overall, this paper aimed not only to discuss cybersecurity data science and relevant methods but also to discuss the applicability towards data-driven intelligent decision making in cybersecurity systems and services from machine learning perspectives. Our analysis and discussion can have several implications both for security researchers and practitioners. For researchers, we have highlighted several issues and directions for future research. Other areas for potential research include empirical evaluation of the suggested data-driven model, and comparative analysis with other security systems. For practitioners, the multi-layered machine learning-based model can be used as a reference in designing intelligent cybersecurity systems for organizations. We believe that our study on cybersecurity data science opens a promising path and can be used as a reference guide for both academia and industry for future research and applications in the area of cybersecurity.