It may come as a surprise in the digital age, but writing an old-fashioned letter to your local elected representatives or to members of Congress is still one of the most effective ways to influence lawmakers. You can also send letters to justices of the Supreme Court. The detailed instructions below, reposted from USGovInfo, walk you through the steps to writing letters to elected officials, with helpful tips on substance and format: how to address your representative, how to put forth a detailed and persuasive argument, how to reference specific legislation, what to avoid, and how to properly send your correspondence.
People who think members of the U.S. Congress pay little or no attention to constituent mail are plain wrong. Concise, well thought out personal letters are one of the most effective ways Americans have of influencing law-makers. But, members of Congress get hundreds of letters and emails every day. Whether you choose to use the Postal Service or email, here are some tips that will help your letter to Congress have impact.
It’s usually best to send letters to the representative from your local Congressional District or the senators from your state. Your vote helps elect them — or not — and that fact alone carries a lot of weight. It also helps personalize your letter. Sending the same “cookie-cutter” message to every member of Congress may grab attention but rarely much consideration.
Your letter should address a single topic or issue. Typed, one-page letters are best. Many PACs (Political Action Committees) recommend a three-paragraph letter structured like this:
The best letters are courteous, to the point, and include specific supporting examples.
The addresses below should be used in email messages, as well as those sent through the Postal Service.
The Honorable (full name) (Room #) (Name) Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator:
The Honorable (full name) (Room #) (Name) House Office Building United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Representative:
Write Your U.S. Representative (A service of the House that will assist you by identifying your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives and providing contact information.)
The Justices do not have email addresses, but they do read letters from citizens.
Here are some key things you should always and never do in writing to your elected representatives.
Cite these legislation identifiers when writing to members of Congress:
House Bills: “H.R._____“
House Resolutions: “H.RES._____“
House Joint Resolutions: “H.J.RES._____“
Senate Bills: “S._____“
Senate Resolutions: “S.RES._____“
Senate Joint Resolutions: “S.J.RES._____“
If you have something to say, speak up through a letter. The more that elected officials hear from their constituents, the more likely they are to listen … and know that they’ll be held accountable.
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