The university requires all students to register for classes and to complete payment of all tuition, fees, and charges for the upcoming academic semester no later than the last day of the designated payment period in the academic calendar.
A tuition payment installment plan operated by Higher One enables students to pay all or part of the semester’s tuition and fees in installments without interest charges. The Higher One Tuition Payment Plan may be used to supplement other forms of scholarships, grants or loans. A valuable feature of the tuition payment plan is tuition payment insurance, which is provided at no charge and guarantees payment of the contract balance to the school in the event of the insured person’s death.
Participation in the payment plan is on a semester-by-semester basis.
Under the Higher One Tuition Payment Plan, the cost of tuition for fall semester may be divided into five equal monthly installments for students who enroll by June 1. The number of permitted monthly installments decreases between June 1 and October 15. Payments to the fall pay plan must be concluded by October 15 for spring enrollment eligibility.
The five equal installments for the spring plan begin October 15 and run through March 15.
The fee for tuition plan enrollment is $35 per semester, which is non-refundable. A $20 late fee is incurred when a payment does not reach the Higher One Tuition Payment Plan office by the 15 th of each month. Please note: The Higher One Tuition Payment Plan does not cover prior balances or summer semesters.
The University Payment Plan is also available, with automatic enrollment when at least half of the current semester charges are paid before the end of the regular registration and payment period. This plan allows students to make two additional payments to cover the remaining 50 percent account balance.
Financial aid deferments, verifiable third-party promises or other methods of payment can be used to cover the initial one-half payment. There is a $25 administrative charge to all accounts on the university’s payment plan.
The additional payment dates are Sept. 1 and Oct. 1 for the fall semester and Feb. 1 and March 1 for the spring semester. A $20 late fee is incurred when payments are late under the University Payment Plan.
Students who are not be able to pay the full amount for a semester or summer session should secure assistance in advance to avoid delays in registering or payment of bills when due. Students who fail to register and make payments according to the deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar will be charged a $50 late registration fee.
The Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina reserves the right to amend the charges for tuition, fees, and the room-and-board rate at any time without prior notice.
(This information was effect at the time of publication. Refer to the NCCU website for the most current information.)
The university requires all students who are continuing their enrollment from the previous semester to register for classes and to complete payment of all tuition, fees and charges for the upcoming academic semester by the last day of the designated payment period. Students who do not meet the payment deadline will have their classes cancelled and must re-register during the late-registration period and pay a $50 late-registration charge. This could result in forfeiture of classes on the student’s previous schedule if individual classes are closed.
Students are expected to pay their bills paid in full before the first day of classes or by the designated payment period. Students who receive financial aid are expected to pay any portion of their bill not covered by financial aid before the first day of classes. Students whose bills are not paid in full by the first day of classes or who have not made payment arrangements by that time will be charged a late-registration fee.
Payments may be made by money orders, cashier’s checks, or personal checks designed as payable to “North Carolina Central University.” The student’s Banner Identification Number should be indicated on money orders and checks to ensure credit is given to the correct account. MasterCard and VISA are also accepted. Payments may be made in advance, in person, by mail, or on-line using a credit card.
Mail payments should be sent to:
c/o Comptroller P. O. Box 19713 Durham, NC 27707Payments should be received by the Cashier’s Office no later than the last day of the designated payment period in order for a student to retain his or her current classes. It is the student’s responsibility to verify receipt of payments made to the Cashier’s Office by calling the office, visiting in person, or checking with their own bank for check clearance.
Student grades, transcripts, degrees, and diplomas may be withheld until all financial obligations to the university, other than student loans, are paid in full.
North Carolina State law requires that all previously incurred expenses and accounts at North Carolina Central University must be paid in full prior to pre-registration or registration for a new term. Delinquent student accounts will be turned over to the State Attorney General’s Office and to a collection agency.
A student is not officially registered in any classes until all tuition and fees are paid for the semester. Enrollment may be dropped for the semester if all tuition and fees have not been paid by the payment deadline for the semester. Students who are dropped from classes for non-payment will not be allowed to re-enroll in classes until the following semester.
Undergraduate Tuition, Fees And Charges
In-State Students $4,660.99 per semester
Out-Of-State Students $11,014.40 per semester
Post-baccalaureate students not in an advanced-degree program will be charged at the graduate rate unless they are seeking a second baccalaureate degree.
Auditing a Course - charges are the same as for taking a course for credit.